Likes: White clothes, cumulo-nimbus clouds, dairy produce

Dislikes: Acid rain, dog poo, autism

Am I Europe's last henge builder ?

Thanks !!!!


from 'Grimms - Clowns On The Road', circa about 1980 -



Date of birth: 23 Feb. 1969

Place of birth: Two Buttes, Montana

Education: Mass. Inst. Tech. (Utah)

Musical education: self tort

Musical influences: Terry Dene, Charlie Gracie, Steve Lawrence and Edie Gorme

Likes: White suits, white shirts, white shoes, milk, snow, fast white cars

Dislikes: Canine excreta, poliomyelitis, former Jehovah Witnesses, mackerel

Fave girl: Diana

Fave place: Indiana

Fave foods: Possum eggs, Steak Diane

Ambition: To smash Communism

Heroes: Governer Wallace, Colonel Parker, John Megginson, Pa "

but the bit about me being the last of the hengebuilders is true !